Monday, February 9, 2009

Mon 1/9/09 HW

Tonight's HW is to complete the reading and questions about What Really Happened regarding the Indian Removal Act. (I don't have an electronic copy, so if you were absent you can pick it up tomorrow in class). This is due, tomorrow.

For Wed, you need to complete two additional written responses to the debate:
1) As your character, in 1838:
Journal Entry B (written from the perspective of the character you played in the debate). It is the year 1838 and you have observed the passage of the bill, the reaction of the Seminoles, Worcester vs. Georgia and the Trail of Tears. Reflect on your thoughts and involvement. In other words, what was your reaction to each event? What was your role? Were you happy or sad about it, etc.?

2) As you, today, 2009:
Reflection C: (written from your own personal perspective in 2009). This is more of a reflection… Tell me what you learned from this experience. Try to address 4 things:
1. The challenges and benefits of working in a group and speaking in front of class.
2. The challenges and benefits of taking on another perspective, what you learned about trying to get people from multiple perspectives to come to an agreement, etc.
3. What you learned about history and politics (for example, what you learned about trying to get a bill passed by Congress, about Jackson, about racism, power, the treatment of Native Americans, etc.)
4. Feel free to also address how this might impact you in the future (working in groups, your attitude towards other people, thoughts about Congress, etc.)