Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This Week's Work (June 8-12)

We are watching Schindler's List in class.

For Thurs, you are to read the Rescuers and Resistance packet, and answer 2 questions from the handout. This should be about 1 pg.

For Monday June 15, your final Weekly Assignment is due. As this is your last one due, please make it count! If you have any questions/concerns, please come see me before or after class. you should refer to the Yellow Week #4 Overview sheet to help frame the week's topics and guiding questions.

If you want to revise any of your previous weekly assignments, you are free to look through your portfolio and select 1, or more, to work on and turn back in for me to reassess. Remember, you are ultimately choosing 3 out of the 4 assignments for me to formally grade you on.