Monday, February 11, 2013

We are so close, and yet so far!!

Ok, folks. Lots and lots of snow out there! Hope you all enjoyed a true 'winter wonderland'.

We must keep our eyes on the prize. We're so close to wrapping up this essay and yet, we need to do a final push to cross the finish line.  Here's where we are at:

All of you were tasked with finishing up your body paragraphs for today. Most of you have done this. I have gone through and briefly looked to see that you completed that assignment for today (via google docs).

For my Periods 4,6,7 -- You learned how to write an intro today. (review pg 12-13 in the Writing in History packet for some more examples 'how-to's'.  For tomorrow  Tues 2/12, you are coming to class with a full draft PRINTED, ready to be peer edited (intro and body paragraphs). I gave out a checklist for you to go through before you print to make sure you have everything you should. I don't have computers tomorrow, so you MUST print before you get to my class.

Final Draft due Wed 2/13

For Period 1 -- since I didn't get to see you today for class, we will be just one day off. So, your peer edit will be on Wed and the final draft due on Thurs 2/, stay tuned and be ready to move fast and furious tomorrow!

Finally, to ALL my students: If you know that you will NOT be in school any day this week, you need to take responsibility and check in with me so that you are on track to complete and turn in your final draft essay before February Vacation.