Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Study Guide for Quiz on Friday

HOMEWORK – DUE THURS 10/6 – Worth 4 points

Create a study guide for the quiz. Your study guide should show me you’ve studied the definitions listed on the study sheet, you’ve looked back and studied each of the events listed on the study sheet, and reviewed the themes and how they relate to each event.

Study guide can be on lined paper, note cards, typed up, or a combination. Simply stapling documents we’ve completed DOES NOT count.

1793 Quiz-Part 2 STUDY GUIDE

Quiz Date: Friday October 7, 2011

Know the key dates, people, facts, descriptions and the significance of these events:

p Foreign Policy Challenge of 1793: War between France and England

p Hamilton vs. Jefferson: rise of Political Parties

p Govt of 1793 (size, leadership, US population, etc)

p Whiskey Rebellion

p Washington’s Farewell Address

In other words, you should know them and understand them well enough to each someone else about how they changed history. The who, what, when, where, why, how

vocabulary: Be able to demonstrate understanding of these terms:

foreign policy cabinet Republican Neutrality Proclamation

domestic policy neutral Federalist

liberal conservative precedent Elastic Clause

strict interpretation of Constitution loose interpretation of Constitution

People: Know who these people are, and what role they played in the events listed above:

George Washington Henry Knox

Thomas Jefferson Edmond Rudolph

Alexander Hamilton Samuel Osgood

Look over your THEMES chart! Read through all the big ideas that we’ve listed, and be able to respond to at least one of them (using evidence from what we’ve studied!)

I’m available after school Tues 2:30-3:00, or before school on Thurs 7:15-7:40 to check in about the quiz topics, and answer any questions you may have. Come ready to ask me some specific questions!