Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Use the feedback from today and get working on that FINAL draft!!

We're in the final stretches of this essay project!! Don't slow down now. Get through the final push!!

You hopefully have a lot of feedback to sift through and reflect on as you start pulling together your final draft.

If your peer editor gave you feedback that you'd like to check in with me about, PLEASE come see me before or after school Wed or Thurs so you can get some clarification or confirmation that their advice is correct.

For Monday 11/14, you need to make sure you make all necessary edits and print out a clean copy of your final draft. MAKE SURE IT HAS BEEN THROUGH THE CHECKLIST ON PG 13-14 in your Writing in History packet.

Also, you need to pull together a bunch of supporting materials to turn in with your final draft. I gave out the list, but here it is if you need to review:

Your Industrial Revolution Essay Final Checklist

On Monday 11/14, you are turning in the final draft of your essay. In addition to the actual essay, you will be graded on turning in the following documents:
p Yellow Rubric (this will be on the very top of your pile of documents)
p Final Essay (2nd in pile)
p rough draft with peer editing sheet (3rd in pile)
p graded draft of your body paragraph  (4th in pile)
p Completed Tree Map (bottom of pile)