Tuesday, December 6, 2011



Directions: On a piece of blank paper, design an advertisement (8 ½ x 11 paper is fine. Color would be nice, but not required) for a real or imaginary TV show that Yeoman farmers and/or their wives and families would want to watch. You must make sure you come up with a title for the show, a 2-3 sentence description of the show, and then write a paragraph explaining why this would be something they like. Your explanation should have 2 different reasons. Try to include more than the most obvious.

Here is an example from another time period.

What show would Alexander Hamilton want to watch?
Title: “Cribs of the Rich and Industrial”

Description: In this show, Oprah Winfrey tours the houses of the richest bankers and industrial leaders of the day. While she there, she also get their opinions on the important issues going on at the time.

Explanation: Hamilton would like this show for 3 reasons. First, he would like it because it interviews people who made their money through business and industry, which he thought were the most important jobs available. In this sense, he might hope that this type of show would inspire more and more people to focus on these areas rather than farming.  Second, he would like the part where these people were asked their opinions because he felt that ONLY rich and powerful people had enough time, energy and intelligence to guide the country. Lastly, he would approve of Oprah as a host because he was strongly against slavery and had a much greater sense of equality for African Americans than most of the people of his day. He might find it fitting to have a successful African American host of such an important, intellectual show.

What do you notice?
p Strong explanations have a clear topic sentence
p Good explanations have at least 2 distinct reasons
p The best explanations really prove you know what the life and hopes of your group  were all about! They are not answers that could apply to any of the groups.