Thursday, December 15, 2011

Slave Codes and Attempted Rebellions

 Tonight's HW is to read the 1833 Slave Codes of Alabama. The purpose of this document was to list out the rules and regulations for slaves, free African Americans and whites living in Alabama. Read through the rules and identify the rules that you think are most significant/powerful/controlling for the different groups. Use the chart to write down your thoughts. -- DUE TOMORROW, FRI

A couple people asked for additional information about the 3 slave rebellions we have discussed. Below are three links describing the actions of Prosser, Vesey, and Turner.

Gabriel Prosser

Denmark Vesey

Nat Turner

For those who are in band and are on the field trip tomorrow, Fri 12/16. You should have received the packet of poems written about slavery and the African American experience in the South. Your task is to choose 2 to read and answer the questions on the accompanying sheet.