Thursday, March 15, 2012

Big day...

By the end of class today, you and your partner should have 3 sources identified, completed CART+ sheets for, and entries in Noodletools.

Whatever is not done is now HW and needs to be completed. Both people are responsible for getting this work done. Don't let your partner down by assuming that this work will magically get done by itself.

For Tuesday, 3/20, you must turn in and complete the following:

1.     3 CART+ Sheets completed (make sure you have your names at top AND the question(s) that the source answers – might be just 1 or both) To be turned in on Tues 3/20.
2.     3 cited sources in Noodletools exported into a Word document and printed with both of your names, topic, and research questions listed at top of pg (I will show you how to do this) To be turned in on Tues 3/20.
3.     The 2 questions listed and answered on the Your Questions and Answers worksheet. To be turned in on Tues 3/20.
4.     a 3 minute Infomercial prepared and ready to present in class. All props, scripts, materials needed must be brought to class, ready to go at the beginning of the period. To be performed on Tues 3/20. You do not need to turn anything in related to the infomercial.

How to get this done:
You and your partner need to plan to meet and prepare for this presentation outside of class.
q This might mean meeting in the WMS library before school/after school on Friday 3/16 or Monday 3/19.
q This might mean meeting outside of school at the Wellesley library or someone’s house.
q This might mean meeting in Ms. Harrigan’s room before or after school on Monday 3/19.
q This might mean meeting during lunch on Friday 3/16 and/or Monday 3/19.

I would also expect that you are in touch either via e-mail or phone to make sure that all parts of this project are completed on time and with the best effort possible.