Sunday, October 14, 2012

Election Menu

This year is a critical year in our democracy. We are in the midst of a Presidential Election, one that occurs every 4 years and we've been successfully electing a President since 1789 through our election process.

As we discussed on Friday, you will be working on participating in the process in ways that you, as 13-14 year olds, can.  Your homework this weekend is to get familiar with the project, the assignment packet by reading through the document, identifying 7-8 assignments you're interested in possibly doing, and coming into class with 2 questions you have about the project/options/details.

Remember that ultimately, you will be selecting 3 things to do between now and election day. You have plenty of time to get them done, so this weekend spend some time just becoming familiar with your options, and getting a sense of all the possibilities. 

Enjoy! And, come in with questions that you have!!

Due Monday Oct 15, 2012