Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Finish Hero Paragraph!

Please read carefully, as there are 2 versions of the assignment depending on whether you are in Per 1+7 or 4+6. 

Period 1+7:

Heroism in History Paragraph TO DO list for Wed 10/24/2012
You have the entire period to turn your thoughts into a paragraph.  Whatever you don’t finish in class you need to finish for HW.
    1. You must print a copy of the finished paragraph for me, making sure you have included all required elements (see checklist)
    2. You must SAVE a copy of your document either to a flash drive, or e-mail a copy to yourself, or store on google docs.
    3. You must turn in the following, stapled together:
q The final draft of the paragraph.
q The completed checklist.
q The completed graphic organizer.
q The video notes from Africans in America.

If you end up needing to wrap any of this up for HW, I ask that you make sure you come to class with everything printed, organized, stapled and ready to turn in on Thurs. If you need to print or get organized, go the library before school to take care of that. 

Period 4+6: 

Heroism in History Paragraph TO DO list for Wed 10/24/2012
Periods 4+6
You have the entire period to turn your thoughts into a paragraph.  Whatever you don’t finish in class you need to finish for HW. Remember, we are using GOOGLE DOCS. If you forget what to do, go to my website: and click on Google Docs page for more information and the link to the Wellesley Google Log in.
    1. You must share your Google Docs account with me.
    2. You must turn in the following, stapled together:
q The completed checklist.
q The completed graphic organizer.
q The video notes from Africans in America.

If you end up needing to wrap any of this up for HW, I ask that you make sure you come to class with everything organized, stapled and ready to turn in on Thurs. Remember, you are not printing your google doc but just turning in all the related materials.