Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Work on Cornell Notes! Try your best, and look at my sample!

Tonight's homework is to read and take notes on a reading in the textbook using Cornell Notes method. Pgs 407-410.

Remember 3 things:

1) Use the directions sheet to make sure that your paper is properly set up.
2) Look at my sample that shows you how I started tonight's HW and compare what you have written down under headings and notes (don't look at this until you have done yours!! No peeking!)
3) This takes a lot longer the first couple of times you practice this because it is a new skill and learning new skills takes time and patience, and practice!! So, don't stress. If you are confused try your best and we'll practice together over the coming days and weeks to make this a skill you develop!

If you'd like to download Cornell Notes paper that is already set up, you can get that document here.

If you would like to download Cornell Notes document/template to then complete online you can get that document here.