Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Review and add to your Connecting Themes and Event Sheet

Take a few minutes tonight to review what you have written for your 3 events and the 4 themes. Most of you have already written something for each event. Now, go back, re-read what you have written, and if you can add some additional detail/thought to each event. This will help prepare you for the quiz on Fri 9/23.

I also passed out a sheet about the quiz:

1793 Quiz-Part 1-50 pts points – THIS FRI 9/23

Section 1: Map. Be able to label accurately the following: (YES, SPELLING COUNTS!)

States name and locations (as of 1790)

Mississippi River and Ohio River -- two key rivers creating natural boundaries

Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico

Appalachian Mountains

Territories controlled by Britain and Spain

The Great Lakes

Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C.

Section 2: Events

For the invention of the cotton gin, the Fugitive Slave Act and the Formation of the AME Church/The Free African Society: Know the key dates, people, facts, descriptions and the significance of these events. In other words, you should know them and understand them well enough to each someone else about how they changed history.

Think about the 4 themes: Technology, Vision, Equality, Power – how might you talk about each of these events using the themes?