Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tonight's HW, all due Friday

Tonight's hw has 3 parts, so please read carefully and take your time to make sure you have completed all homework for Fri 9/7.

1. Completed Parent Sheet (pink).
2. Signed Expectations Sheet (blue). YOU and your parents both need to sign this!
3. Themes HW -- read the sheet carefully! You need to select 2 of the themes to research and come up with 2 final pieces. 1 must be a visual and 1 must be text-based. Read the requirements carefully. This is the first assignment where I am looking to see how you think and I am expecting to see great care and thought put into the work you turn in.

For help with quotes:

For help with newspaper/media articles:

I have additional examples from previous years if you want to come before or after school for some extra help/brainstorming. I also have a couple of books on quotations for your use if interested.