Monday, September 10, 2012

Map of 1790: Student Beware!!

Tonight's HW is to finish the map. Be warned!! You need to follow directions very carefully and complete the map with thought and care. If you have 2 or more mistakes you will redo with me after school on Thurs or Fri of this week. This is your advanced warning.

You need to read the directions CAREFULLY
Dont give up, don’t rush. Take your time and you will be rewarded!
Use the pg #s listed to help you…don’t rely on memory.
Spelling counts…don’t assume you know the correct spelling.

Additional help, and clues: 
1. Look at pg 342 for info/map to show 1) who controls land south of Georgia, 2) who controls land north of the US. 
2. Look at pg 722 for additional info on the Appalachian Mountains.
3. St. Lawrence River is more north than you might be looking!

This link is for Alex Baselga-Carriga only!